Seidat eSign


In sales, making sure customers can sign documents quickly, easily, and safely is essential. E-signatures (eSign) provide an excellent solution for this. Read more about Seidat eSign!

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Transform the document signing process into a swift and user-friendly experience


In the fast-paced world of sales, efficiency and security are paramount. Get your proposals, contracts, and other agreements accepted and signed by using Seidat’s built-in eSign feature. Request signatures from multiple people, save the PDF documents for later use, and/or forward the signed documents automatically to your CRM or other preferred systems. Seidat’s eSign utilizes quick and easy-to-use email authentication.

Get your documents signed easily with Seidat

Typical problems with contracts and esignatures?

While numerous methods exist for e-signing documents, many of them encounter similar challenges

  • How to create signable contracts without the need for multiple apps?
  • How to make sure contracts are easy to share and sign?

Seidat esign

Seidat’s solution for signing contracts?

  • Automate your signing processes and get all your signed data straight back to Seidat or your CRM
  • Seidat eSign can be sent by a link to your customer email, they are also super easy to sign with simple email authentication

Seidat Admin User Training

Seidat benefits for the signing process?

  • No failures, sales saves time when every contract doesn’t need to be created by hand
  • Easy and quick for you and your customers, Seidat eSign makes your deal closing easy and you have more time to do more sales!

Seidat features for signing documents

  • Seidat esign

    Seidat eSign

    Get your proposals, contracts and other agreements accepted and signed by your customers by using Seidat’s built-in eSign feature. Request signatures from multiple people and save the PDF documents for later use and/or forward the signed documents automatically to your CRM or other preferred systems. Seidat’s eSign utilises quick and easy-to-use email authentication.

  • Link Share

    Easily share your presentation with anyone by delivering a link. Set an expiration date and see how many times the link has been opened or if it has been opened at all. You can also get notified when the shared link has been opened.

    Thanks to Seidat’s versatile content options, one shared link can contain an unlimited number of slides with videos, websites, 3D images, forms, links etc. There is no longer a need for multiple attachments in your emails!

  • Secure Sharing

    With Seidat, you don’t have to worry about your material falling into the wrong hands. Share your confidential presentations to only specific people chosen by you using Seidat’s Direct Share feature for secure sharing. It’s based on user identification by email.

  • Seidat-crm-integrations

    CRM Integrations

    There are usually three types of goals in integrating a Seidat and a CRM system:

    • Automatically create presentation materials for Seidat using data from the CRM system (e.g. proposals)
    • Ensures that the offer document in Seidat is linked to the CRM
    • Transfers usage analytics or note data from Seidat to CRM

    All of these goals are united by the ultimate idea of ​​saving time, harmonising processes, improving quality, and increasing sales results.

    The integrations are implemented as direct native integrations, customized using the API or utilizing ready-made Zapier integrations.

    The most typical CRMs to integrate with Seidat are Pipedrive, Hubspot, and Salesforce.

We have happy customers!Seidat references

To Every Phase | Inhouse Group

Inhouse Group uses Seidat in sales processes e.g. remote and face-to-face meetings and the creation and sending of offers.

“We use Seidat in our sales meetings and in the proposal process.”

Mirva Pasanen, Sales Director, Inhouse Group

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Other Seidat use cases for sales

Intro materials

Grab your customer’s attention with visually pleasing intro presentations. Share your intro presentations to your customers with a link and get notified when they are opened

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Seidat in meetings

In Seidat, we offer a wide range of features for sales meetings. Develop your conversations with Seidat matrix slide structure and presenter view and make your meetings more impactful.

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Seidat with phone calls

Sharing your Seidat presentation materials is easy; you can present with any device or even have phone meetings and simultaneously change slides with your phone on the customers’ screen.

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Sponsor letters and memos

Create sponsor letters and meeting memos easily and share them with your customers with a link. Set an expiration date and see how many times the link has been opened or if it has been opened at all.

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Get your proposals, contracts, and other agreements created, accepted, and signed by your customers using Seidat. All in one platform!

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Seidat in online meetings

Packed with features, Seidat has your back for smooth presentations and content creation. Turn your sales meetings into friendly, interactive sessions with your customers – just like a laid-back campfire chat.

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