Tablet sized device


Enhance your co-operation concept with Seidat’s collaboration features.

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Cloud-based app

Seidat Cloud based app

Seidat is a cloud-based app that can be accessed from any modern internet browser. So, your Seidat presentations are always available at any time – on any device. This is ideal for companies with multiple branches and/or remote work cultures.

Shared Dashboard

In Seidat, all the company’s presentations are managed in one place – Seidat cloud. Each user can customise their own  dashboard so that they can find the latest presentations of the chosen categories – for example, their own sales presentations. The tags used in Seidat make it easy to find the right presentations among the thousands of similar materials. Collaboration is easier and it increases transparency, when everyone has access to all the materials.

Smart Slides

Seidat smart slides

Usually, about 80% of slides companies use are identical in all presentations. With the Smart Slide feature, you can link all these identical slides together to be updated in one place. This saves you a ton of time and you can be sure everything is up to date and under control at all times for everyone.

Simultaneous Editing

Simultaneous editing 2

Edit the same presentation at the same time with your colleagues. While one person is structuring the slides, another can write the content and a third can start with the visualisations. Collaboration at its best!

Advanced User Rights


Seidat makes it easy to manage your workspace members and access levels. Access levels are managed at the workspace level and they can be specified on a presentation level. Access levels are roughly divided into presenting, sharing, and editing rights. In addition, there are separate rights for brand management and user management.

With rights, you keep your material consistent, up-to-date, and accessible to everyone.

Workspace Management

Team management

In Seidat app, you can perform key workspace management tasks completely independently. You will be able to manage the billing information, billing methods (card payment or invoice), billing periods, workspace size and available features. The application stores all payment transactions for future reference and we will also send the receipts to your email.

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