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Pipedrive + Seidat

Pipedrive + Seidat

Automated Real-time CRM updates that move your deals faster

Seidat’s Pidedrive integration moves notes from your sales meetings to the CRM with least amount of friction, helps you automatically create & update stakeholder materials, and get notifications on sales material usage at your client companies.

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Oulun seudun sähkö Seidat reference

“Integrating Seidat with Pipedrive has transformed our sales process. With automated offer creation and Seidat eSign, we save time and reduce errors. By switching from static PDFs to dynamic Seidat presentations, we craft visually stunning offers that set us apart, making deal closure easier and faster.

The process is so simple and effective that outsourcing sales has become straightforward and efficient.”

Ervasti Jussi, Head of sales, Oulun Seudun Sähkö

Close more deals with Seidat and Pidedrive

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Seidat & Pipedrive

Leave the hard work to Pipedrive and focus on sales meetings instead

Enter sales meetings by sending a link to your deck, track sales material openings and get automatic updates to deal statuses when proposals are e-signed.

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Pipedrive and Seidat integration

Create & send tailor-made presentations with just a few clicks

Seidat gathers all the necessary data from Pipedrive to make creating presentations a breeze. Meeting memos and proposals are good use cases for automated material creation. There is still a possibility to make further tailoring for content in Seidat when the case is more complex than the typical one. This gives you extra freedom, which is needed now and then when closing winning deals. Customers can access the materials using the trackable link – no attachments are needed anymore.

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Pipedrive & Seidat integration

Follow up on your proposals on the spot and close deals with great timing.

Enable notifications on your material link openings and call your customers just at the right time to make closing deals smooth. Use Seidat eSign to close the deals and watch deals automatically marked as won in Pipedrive once they’re signed.

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Pipedrive Seidat integration

Appear like a modern sales professional all the way to the closing line with your on-brand decks

Send materials and quotes faster while having fonts and colors on-brand. Utilize any customer or deal info from Pipedrive to create your next sales presentation that wows your buyer. Say goodbye to sales decks that look unprofessional.

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how integrating Seidat to Pipedrive could help your daily business.

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