- What ways are there to create a wow-feeling in meetings and show that you are clearly a modern leader in your field?
- How do you guide the conversation so you're always one step ahead of the customer?
- How do you show the customer that you are there for them in the meeting, that you have put effort into preparing for the meeting, and that you can focus on solving their challenges?
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to our webinar, where we dive deeper into the world of sales meetings and explore ways to distinguish yourself from your competitors. Whether you're an experienced sales professional or just starting your sales career, the webinar will offer you new insights that can elevate your sales results to the next level. Briefly about the agenda:- What ways are there to create a wow-feeling in meetings and show that you are clearly a modern leader in your field?
- How do you guide the conversation so you're always one step ahead of the customer?
- How do you show the customer that you are there for them in the meeting, that you have put effort into preparing for the meeting, and that you can focus on solving their challenges?
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26.10.202316:00 - 17:00 (UTC+2) Check your timezone
3 strategies to stand out in sales meetings
About the webinar
Welcome to our webinar, where we dive deeper into the world of sales meetings and explore ways to distinguish yourself from your competitors. Whether you’re an experienced sales professional or just starting your sales career, the webinar will offer you new insights that can elevate your sales results to the next level.
Briefly about the agenda:
- What ways are there to create a wow-feeling in meetings and show that you are clearly a modern leader in your field?
- How do you guide the conversation so you’re always one step ahead of the customer?
- How do you show the customer that you are there for them in the meeting, that you have put effort into preparing for the meeting, and that you can focus on solving their challenges?
We will go through each area so that you get ideas suitable for your sales, ready-made solution models, and tools to implement the ideas. The topics are covered with practical examples.
The webinar is hosted by Seidat founder Paulus Perkkiö & Seidat international sales manager Fredrik Malmsten.
The webinar will be recorded, and the recording will be sent to all webinar subscribers. You can watch the recording when it’s convenient for you and share it with your team members.
Your hosts for the webinar
Paulus PerkkiöCPO, Co-Founder
Fredrik MalmstenSales Manager
Keywords: International sales Presenting Sharing